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Ozone Sanitizing: The Treatment Your Sports Gear Deserve and Needs

March 01, 2016

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As of 01/01/2020 we no longer provide Ozone Sanitizing. This service is one of the many methods we have used in our quest to offer the most effective sanitizing and disinfecting. These studies and experiments led us to our current process, with products that are EPA registered as effective for their intended use and further validated by our own Scientific Board, allowing us to offer the most effective combination for sanitizing and disinfecting. Click here to read the updated version of this blog

A Set of Dumbells, Baseball and Bat, Tennis Racket, Basketball, Boxing Gloves and Sneakers on the FloorHave you ever wondered why your beloved hockey or football gear stinks so much? There's actually a very simple reason for that; it's completely filled with mold and bacteria. Can you remember the last time they were cleaned? Imagine going years wearing the same clothes, over and over, without washing them once. Odds are, you would never do something like that. Well, wearing your hockey gear for years on end without washing it is like doing the exact same thing. Our Ozone sanitizing experts want to warn you that over time, your hockey gear has become a luxurious home for all kinds of microscopic threats, including antibiotic-resistant superbugs, like the very dangerous MRSA.

MRSA stands for Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus. This bug is resistant to many antibiotics and has all sorts of symptoms, such as bumps on your skin that can lead to deep, pus-filled boils, toxic shock syndrome, which includes confusion, stupor, falling into a coma, and organ failure, and even necrotizing pneumonia. In other words, this bug is perfectly capable of eating your flesh. On top of that, it can spread so fast that the infected host can be killed within a few days. In some cases, if the person is lucky, the infection can be stopped —by amputating the infected limb. The really sad part about this particular case is that these kinds of infections aren't rare among athletes. In recent years, top athletes in the NHL have been diagnosed with MRSA.

Bacteria growth is highest and hardest to reach on protective sports gear's interior surfaces, such as the inside of gloves and skates, where it is over 100 times easier for bacteria to grow. Scraped hands enter the glove unprotected, resulting in a high risk of infection. Some of our clients say that they don't understand how their gear gets so dirty. They say things like, "I always 'air it out' after a game." Well, airing out your equipment is a really good thing to do. It dries the gear quicker and slows the growth of bacteria. Nevertheless, the bacteria will still grow, so maybe you won't smell it as much, but the source is still there and still just as dangerous.

You are probably wondering, "How can we kill it?" The best way to treat your beloved sports gear is through an ozone sanitizing treatment. Ozone is a natural gas with strong oxidizing properties. Our ozone sanitizing treatment is approximately 3,000 times more effective than bleach, and it kills MRSA and other antibiotic-resistant superbugs that antibiotics can't kill. Ozone sanitizing is a dry process that uses ozone gas, and it penetrates deep inside the fibers, killing bacteria and eliminating odors without compromising the equipment by getting it wet.

Germinator blasts ozone at high velocity, so it gets through the padding of your gear into hard-to-reach places like the toes of your skates or the fingertips of your gloves. It's a very fast process, too, and it's cost-effective. So forget your excuses and treat your gear! Protect yourself from bacterial infections and wipe out the threat at the source. To focus on the game, you need to focus on your gear first!

Our unique service brings the Germinator to your location, and once we arrive, we do all the dirty work for you. Our goal is to create a healthier, safer, and more comfortable environment for you, your family, and your teammates. For any questions or more information about our services, don't hesitate to call us! You can also fill out the form below to contact us directly.

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